Showing posts with label Urine Stains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urine Stains. Show all posts

How to remove pet urine stains

             If you have ever kept cats or dogs or any other pets, then you must be familiar with those aggravating urine stains which frequently taint your concrete drive ways, mattresses, hardwood floor and rugs. The worst thing about these stains is their dreadful lingering stench. This is due to the uric acid crystals which are present in urine.

Owing to this very reason, the methods we deploy for urine stain removal should be cautious and prudent. These methods should deploy an enzyme based cleaner. Simple soap and detergent is unable to remove these stains and their stench from scratch. Enzyme based cleaners help break uric acid crystals by combining with them and consequently breaking them.

Make sure that you act swiftly so that urine doesn’t get time to penetrate the surface and ruin things for good. Embark upon the following methods and get rid of all annoying pet urine stains.

Method One

For the removal of pet urine stains from concrete

Although comparatively concrete surfaces are hard and sealed, so they are easier to clean. However even concrete is like a hard sponge. It has minute gaps too which might be invisible to the eye but which can be an inviting substrate for urine, therefore make sure that you remove all traces of stain carefully with the help of an enzyme-based cleaner.

Things that you will require:

· Dry paper towels
· Enzymatic cleaner
· Cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Primarily, you will need to take some dry paper towels. Place these paper towels onto the stain to absorb maximum urine. This absorption of excess moisture will aid the stain removal and odor removal process.

2.   Next, you have to pour an enzymatic cleaner all over the stain. It has already been established above that these cleaning agents successfully break down the stain and odor particles, i.e. the uric acid crystals.

3.   If it’s an unsealed concrete surface that you are dealing with, then pour enough cleaner onto the stained area so that the surface gets saturated. In this way, the enzyme comes into contact with that urine too which has seeped into the surface. On the other hand, if it’s a sealed concrete surface which you have come across with, then wipe off any excess enzymatic cleaner with a clean cloth. Whereas, the enzyme cleaner which has saturated the unsealed concrete ought to be allowed to dry naturally so that it can carry out its maximum cleaning action.

4.   Keep on repeating the steps given above, until you are sure that the pet urine stain and its accompanying odor have gone completely.


Always go for an enzymatic cleaner. This is because other cleaners will merely mask the odor instead of dissolving urine from scratch. Consequently, the smell would resurface during humid weather.

Method Two

For the removal of Pet Urine Stains from mattress

Ever gone through that night when you cuddle up next to your pet, only to wake up and find yourself surrounded by a pool of urine with your mattress drenched in it? Not a pleasant sight surely- but undeniably it does happen and here is the simplest home remedy to take care of this situation so that not only the pet urine stains and odor are removed but your mattress is restored to its original state as well.

Things that you will require:

·  Clean cloth or sponge
·  Baking soda
·  White vinegar
·  Dish washing liquid
·  3% hydrogen per oxide
·  Wet/dry vacuum
·  Old tooth brush

Steps that you need to take:

1.    If it’s a fresh urine stain which you have to treat, then primarily you ought to take hold of a clean cloth or a sponge (the latter is more preferable). Using this sponge soak up all the excess moisture from the mattress. You can also try exerting pressure on the mattress so that all the moisture comes up and consequently is absorbed by the sponge or the cloth. You can also try going for a wet/dry vacuum to carry out this procedure of removal of excess moisture.

2.    Next, you ought to take a liberal amount of baking soda and spread it onto the stained area. Make sure that it is adequately covered.

3.    Afterwards, you need to make a cleaning solution by combining 3% hydrogen per oxide with dish soap. Apply this solution onto the stained area where you have spread baking soda and start working onto the urine stain with the help of an old tooth brush.

4.    Once, you are sure that the pet urine stain has gone satisfactorily, blot the previously stained area with the help of a clean cloth.

5.    Finally, allow the mattress to air dry. Once the baking soda has been completely dried, you can get rid of its residue with the help of a wet/dry vacuum.  This baking soda would have effectively absorbed all urine remnants along with their pungent odor. Consequently, you will end up with a clean and stain-free mattress.

Method Three

For the Removal of Pet Urine Stains from Hardwood Floors

          Urine stains are worse than fecal stains. This is because; urine can seep into your hardwood floors and discolor them for good. Therefore, it is mandatory that urine stains ought to be pulled out from the depth of your floor and this method deploys the use of hydrogen per oxide to do this trick. Proceed as described below.

Things that you will require:

· Baking Soda
· Hydrogen per oxide
· Cat litter
· Paper towels
· Spray bottle
· Plastic
· tape

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all place some paper towels onto the stain so that they can absorb all moisture.

2.   Take new paper towels and spray an ample amount of hydrogen per oxide on these paper towels so that they get saturated.

3.   Leave these papers saturated with hydrogen per oxide to sit on the pet urine stain overnight so that it can satisfactorily carry out its cleaning action.

4.   If meanwhile, the per oxide dries out, then spray it again. There is another way of doing this. You can make a per oxide poultice by placing a plastic wrap over the paper towels and taping down its edges. If you opt to go for the poultice method, then it ought to be left to sit on the stain overnight as well.

5.   When you finally remove the poultice, cover the stained area with an absorbent material. Baking soda or cat litter are adequate choices in this regard. Any of these absorbents can appropriately absorb both odor and moisture. Sprinkle any of them on stained area. After sometime, scrape away this absorbent.

6.   If the stain is stubborn, then repeat the above mentioned steps.

7.   Finally, allow the stained area to air dry.


If the surface is damaged due to the stain, then you can easily cure this situation by sanding the wooden surface, or giving it a re touch with wood polish.

Method Four

For the Removal of Pet Urine Stains from Rugs

A cold night, you sitting beside the fireplace with your pet at the side; a wonderful time, speaking of peace and serenity, and then suddenly it starts reeking of stench, because your pet decided to ruin your perfect moment and peed on your favorite rug. However, do not panic because we are here to make things right. Follow the method given below and end up with a clean, sweet smelling rug.

Things that you will require:

· Towel
· 1 quarter tea spoon of liquid dish washing detergent
· Spray bottle
· Warm water
· 2 table spoons of ammonia

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all, soak up any excess moisture as much as you can with the help of a towel. The quicker you do this, the better.

2.   Next, make a cleaning solution by combining one cup of warm water with 1 quarter tea spoon of liquid dish washing detergent.

3.   Spray this solution onto the pet urine stain and blot with a clean cloth.

4.    Rinse the stain with warm water and keep repeating the above step until you are positive that the stain has begun to disappear.

5.   Then, make a solution of 2 table spoons of ammonia in 1 cup of warm water.

6.   Apply this solution onto the stain and blot it well.

7.   Continue rinsing and repeating until the stain totally disappears.

8.   Lastly, let your rug air dry.


Always make use of liquid laundry detergent, because powdered detergent or dish detergent contains chemicals like bleach or lanolin which can damage your rug fibers.

How to remove Pet Urine stains from concrete

All the pet owners in the world go through the rough time when the pet, whether it is a cat or a dog, becomes old and loses bladder control. It isn’t just rough for the pets but is also for the owners of the cats or dogs. Sometimes the pets have accidents in the house on the carpets and even though the carpets are cleaned, the urine seeps to the floor as well. When you take the carpet off the floor becomes filled with patches of pet urine.

In case the floor is of concrete the solutions are simple for the old and the new stains. The old stains may become hard to locate but with the following methods, you can now rest assured that the pet urine stain removal will be successful with the added bonus of getting rid of the pungent smell that comes with it.

Method 1 (Using Vinegar Solution)

Things that you will require:

·      Vinegar
·      Water
·      Empty bowl
·      Enzyme cleaner
·      Sponge

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Take the empty bowl and add one part water and two parts vinegar. By using this ratio, mix a solution which you think is appropriate for the size of the stain on the concrete.

2.   Pour the prepared solution onto the concrete where the stain is. The stain can be old or new. Both stains can be identified by the color of the concrete. The concrete of the stained area will be slightly darker than its surrounding area. Leave the vinegar solution on the stains for about half an hour.

3.   By this point, the solution would have seeped into the concrete floor and evaporated. Rinse the left over solution with water.

4.   Mix enzyme cleaner with water in the bowl or if instructed on the box, directly pour it to the stains. With the help of the sponge rub the cleaner onto the concrete floor. Leave it on the stains for 2 or 3 hours.

5.   Now with water, wash the area thoroughly. Once the area dries up, the urine stain removal will be successful and all the concrete will be once more of the same color.

Method 2 (Using Peroxide Solution)

Things that you will require:

·      3% Hydrogen peroxide
·      Water
·      Cleaning towel
·      Gloves
·      Black light
·      Dishwashing liquid

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The very first thing you need to do is locate the stains. The fresh urine stains will have urine as well so clean that up with a cleaning towel before proceeding to the next step but in case the stains are old, they can be located with the color test. The stained concrete will be slightly darker than the rest. For the smaller invisible stains, use the black light. In the outdoors area, check at night and for indoors, switch the light off.

2.   Once the stains have been located start by pouring water onto the stains. Don’t go overboard, but just spill enough water that will cover the stains.

3.   Now pour on it the 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let the peroxide stay on the stains for about 20 minutes. This will allow the concrete to absorb most of the peroxide.

4.   Rinse the area with water and put the gloves on in case there is residual peroxide. Take the cleaning towel and pour a few drops of liquid detergent on it. Now scrub the area clean. This will not only get rid of the pet urine stains on the concrete but also the smell.

How to remove Pet Urine stains from rugs

Having pets is great way to have company. Whether it is a cat or a dog, they provide a certain comfort to those who have a soft spot for them. Kittens and puppies are the cutest and watching them grow up is fun but in case you have gotten the ones that haven’t been trained then you will definitely have a problem. Untrained pets tend to urinate where ever they may please.

Your pet urinating on your brand new rug is like a nightmare coming true because not only will it leave stains but will also leave a horrible smell behind. The best way to handle this situation is to learn how to train your pet. Search online, read books or hire help, but first think about cleaning the rug. Yes the rug can be saved and it isn’t ruined forever. If you act fast you can save your rug and remove the stains and smell from it.

We have come up with the following methods for you so that a successful pet urine stain removal is possible. These methods are tried and tested and will give the best results. The directions are simple and easy to follow.

Method 1

Things that you will require:

·      Cleaning towels
·      Gloves
·      Garbage bag
·      Distilled vinegar
·      Wet vacuum
·      Water
·      Empty bowl

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Put the gloves on so that none of the urine gets on your fingers. If even a dot touches you it’ll smell like pet urine even after you wash your hands.

2.   Now take the empty bowl and add equal amounts of water and distilled vinegar. Make sure that you have enough to pour over the stains.

3.   Take the cleaning towels and start by cleaning the spot where your cat or dog has urinated on the rug. It is best to press the cleaning towel in case the stains are brand new. After you are done with the cleaning place the dirty towels in the garbage bag.

4.   Pour the vinegar mixture onto the rug and leave it on about ten minutes. Now vacuum the stains so that the vinegar is sucked out of the rug. Repeat step 4 twice if the stains are fresh, but if the stains are older, you might need to repeat step 4 more than two times.

5.   After this use a cleaning towel to soak in regular water and scrub the rub and vacuum away the water so that there is no trace of urine or vinegar left on it.

6.   Let the rug air dry.

Method 2

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Sodium lauryl sulfate
·      Lavender essential oil
·      Baking soda
·      Spoon
·      Ginger essential oil
·      White vinegar
·      Empty bowl
·      Cleaning towels
·      Shampoo  bottle
·      Dish washing soap

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Take the empty bowl and pour four glasses of water in it. Start by mixing sodium lauryl sulfate.

2.   Now while stirring with the spoon add two tsp. of baking soda. Don’t let it settle.

3.   Add ginger and lavender essential oils along with vinegar. Stir till everything has thoroughly been mixed.

4.   Pour the mixture into the empty shampoo bottle and spray the stained rug with an ample amount. While pouring the mixture on the rug, make sure you shake the bottle before each spray. A thin layer is enough to take care of the stains. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

5.   Now pour a few dots on dish washing soap onto the stained area. Dip a cleaning towel into water and remove the mixture. Soak the towel in water repeatedly so that no trace of the solution is left behind.

6.   Let the carpet air dry.