Showing posts with label Rust Stains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rust Stains. Show all posts

How to Remove Rust stains from Plastic

          Have you ever experienced that infuriating feeling when you realize that your plastic buckets, tubs or other containers have been stained with rust? The infuriation heightens when you come to know that your usual house cleaners are unable to get out these reddish brown stains from your plastic containers.

          This rust may be a result of some plumbing issue, source of water and condition of water pipes. Whatever the reason might be the fact remains that common soap and water are unable to break these rust particles and remove them.

          Therefore, to treat these stains, we provide you with specialized home remedies which are put together, keeping in context with the chemical nature of these iron oxide particles aka rust stains. Follow the directions given below and hopefully you will end up with a clean and stain free plastic surface.

Method One (Using White Vinegar)

         The following method makes use of white vinegar for the removal of rust stains from plastic surfaces. The acetic acid present inside vinegar reacts with the iron oxide present in rust and thus prompts it to come off, eventually leading to effective stain removal.

 Things that you will require:

· 2 clean cloths/ rags
· A bucket
· Sponge
· White vinegar
· Rubber gloves
· Old tooth brush

Steps that you need to take:

1.    First of all you need to take a bucket and fill it up with white vinegar.

2.   Next, take hold of a clean rag or sponge and dip it in the bucket filled with vinegar.

3.   Allow the cloth or sponge to completely soak in vinegar and leave it lying there for almost half an hour.

4.   Once this time span is over, take out this vinegar-soaked cloth/ sponge. You can wring or squeeze it to remove excess moisture.

5.   After squeezing out all the excess vinegar, place this vinegar soaked cloth onto the rust stained area.

6.   For effective application, leave it lying on the stained area for almost half an hour.

7.   Afterwards, start rubbing the stain with this very cloth.

8.   You can also consider using an old tooth brush to work onto the stain if it is stubborn and set in deeply. Moreover, for persistent stains, you can repeat this process of soaking the cloth in vinegar and placing it on the stained area.

9.      Once, you are sure that the stain has gone satisfactorily, rinse it with clean water and allow the plastic surface to air dry.


         Placing the stained plastic container in a well- ventilated area before embarking upon the cleaning process is a good option. This is done so that the strong odor of white vinegar gets dispersed.
Method Two (Using Rhubarb Leaves)

       Rhubarb leaves are said to contain oxalic acid and oxalic acid is known to be pretty helpful when it comes to the removal of rust stains from plastic. Follow the steps below for a successful removal of rust stains.

Things that you will require:

· Rhubarb leaves
· Water
· stove
· Tooth brush
· Clean cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.    Primarily you need to get hold of rhubarb leaves. Next, you need to boil these leaves in water so that their essence comes out into water. In other words this water will now be containing oxalic acid.

2.    Now, either you can soak a cloth in this water and use it to clean the rust stain or  pour this solution in the stained plastic container, and then work onto it with the help of a tooth brush.

3.    In any of the either cases, keep scrubbing the stain until it disappears.

4.    Finally, rinse the stain with cold water and allow it to air dry.


· Oxalic acid is dangerous so don’t forget to wear protective glasses and gloves, while handling this acid water.

· Phosphoric acid can also be resorted to in intense situations; however there is a great probability that this acid would cause the rust stain to go black; therefore sticking with acetic acid (vinegar) and citric acid (lemon) is a safer option.

· Muriatic acid can also yield positive results when it comes to rust stain removal.

How to Remove Rust stains from limestone

Our counter tops are usually made of limestone which is a pleasure to look at and works wonderfully as well. Moreover, flooring applications also incorporate this awesome stone. The word stone would definitely conjure an image of something hard and concrete before your eyes. Yet, even though concrete is hard, it doesn’t imply that it is not porous.

Limestone has the capacity to absorb certain liquids and these liquids consequently can make limestone prone to rust if they happen to have run over certain metals before they reach the step.

Rust stains acquired by limestone prove to be very difficult and stubborn to remove. However, you cannot opt for strong acids as there is a great likelihood that these strong agents would damage your limestone counter tops or floors.

Yet, the situation is not entirely hopeless. Given below are a few easy tips which will help you to treat these rust stains eventually leading to their effectual removal from your lime stone surfaces.

                              Method One (Using Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice constitutes of citric acid which is known for its cleansing properties.

Things that you will require:

· Lemon juice
· Tooth brush/ bristled brush
· Clean cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.     Take some fresh lemon juice and pour it on the stained area. Make sure that the stained area is entirely covered with this lemon juice.

2.   Allow this lemon juice to sit on the rust stain for some time, approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

3.   Then, start scrubbing this stain with the help of an old tooth brush or a bristled brush. Continue scrubbing until the rust stain disappears.

4.   You might have to repeat the application of this lemon juice, depending upon the intensity of rust stain.

5.   Once you are sure that the rust stain has been satisfactorily removed, wipe the previously stained area with a clean cloth.
Method Two (Using Oxalic acid)

The following method should be opted for, if the rust stains on your limestone counter tops or flooring are stubborn and refuse to come off with the help of lemon juice.

Things that you will require:

· Oxalic acid
· Tooth brush
· Clean cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.    Pour some oxalic acid onto the rust stained area.

2.    Allow it to sit on the stain for 5 minutes.

3.    Afterwards, start scrubbing with the help of an old tooth brush. Keep scrubbing until the rust stain disappears.

4.    Once the stain is gone, wipe the surface with a clean cloth.


Oxalic acid is dangerous so don’t forget to wear protective glasses and gloves, while handling this acid.

How to Remove Rust Stains from Knives

Rust stains are something we have all had some experience with, in some form or the other. This is because these reddish brown stains are very common. You might be wondering why is it is so. The reason is evident enough. Rust stains are actually iron oxide particles and whenever metal in its any form is exposed to air, this autonomous reaction starts taking place and consequently you end up with these aggravating reddish brown rust stains.

As knives have their blades cut out from iron in its various forms, therefore they are very prone to rust. These rust stains can mar the beauty of your knives but more than that they can damage their sharp cutting edge, reducing them to be of little or no use.

Yet you need not worry, because this is where we step in. Our simple, effective and inexpensive household remedies will remove these rusty stains from knives, making you end up with knives as good as new.

Things that you will require:

· Lemon juice
· Tall glass
· Scrubbing sponge
· Clean cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.    Lemon juice is a miraculous cleaning agent and hereby, we would be making use of these very magical stain lifting powers to remove rust stains from your knives.

2.   Just take some lemon juice in a tall glass. The amount should be ample enough so that the knives can get adequately soaked in it.

3.   Needless to say, the next step comprises of soaking these knives in that lemon juice for some time, approximately five to ten minutes. This is done so that lemon juice can have sufficient time to work on the rust spots and prompt them to get out of the knife.

4.   Next, take out the knives and scrub them using a clean sponge. This step will effectively lift off any remaining rust stains and you shall end up with clean, stain-free and glistening knives.

5.   To give a finishing touch to these knives, you can consider wiping them with a clean cloth.


Washing your knives in a dish washer is probably a bad idea as it makes your knife more prone to rust; therefore once you have given them this lemon juice treatment, always prefer hand washing your knives.