Showing posts with label Mold Stains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mold Stains. Show all posts

How to remove Mold from Tile Grout

Mold is a very common household problem. It usually occurs in areas which are exposed to humidity and if not taken care of immediately will spread to other areas of the house. Tile grout is most common place for mold as tiles are constantly exposed to water and if the water isn’t cleared up properly it will start to show signs of mold.

Mold has a very ugly look, making tiled floor and walls look old and dingy. In addition to that it might also lower your property value. In order to remove the mold successfully from the tile grout we have come up with the following solutions.

Method 1 (Using Bicarbonate and Vinegar)

Things that you will require:

·      White vinegar
·      Bicarbonate of soda
·      Sponge/tooth brush
·      Water
·      Empty bowl

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Start by adding 3 tbsp. of bicarbonate to a cup of white vinegar in a bowl.

2.   Now dip the sponge in the prepared solution and apply to the mold in the tile grout. Leave it on for about ten minutes, applying the solution again after every 3 minutes.

3.   If you have time and want a thorough job done, use the tooth brush to scrub the mold out of the tile grout. If you don’t have a lot of time and want to quickly get done with it, use the sponge to scrub the mold.

4.    At this point the mold will be completely removed. Rinse the area with water. For best results it is better to cover a small area at a time rather than the covering the whole area in step 2.

Method 2 (Using Baking Soda)

Things that you will require:

·      Baking soda
·      Ammonia
·      Vinegar
·      Water
·      Empty bowl
·      Spray bottle
·      Sponge
·      Gloves
·      Tooth brush

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Start by adding 7 cup of water in an empty bowl. Mix half a cup of baking soda to it and stir with the back of the tooth brush. Now add to this one third of a cup of ammonia and one fourth of a cup of vinegar.

2.   Put the solution into the spray bottle. Spray on an area which you can easily reach from where you are sitting. This might cover a small area rather than all of it but will give best results.

3.   Put on the gloves and start scrubbing the mold off from the tile grout. It is best to use sponge for areas which are easily accessible and for a more thorough job use the tooth brush for the corners.

4.   By this point the tile will be as clean as new, and the mold will be removed. Move on to the next area. Repeating step 2 and 3.

How to remove Mold from Bathroom Grout

It is common knowledge that mold is found in places which are exposed to humidity for a long period of time. One of these places is the bathroom, which is constantly used making it prime environment for growth of mold.

Bathroom grout is very hard to clean when it comes to the removal of grout without a trick up your sleeve which is why we have come up with the following method which will not only help remove the mold but will also prevent it from growing in your bathroom grout ever again.

Things that you will require:

·       Ammonia
·       Borax
·       Vinegar
·       Bleach (Chlorine based)
·       Empty bowl
·       Gloves
·       Spray bottle
·       Sponge

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Start by mixing equal quantities of borax, vinegar and bleach along with half of that quantity of ammonia.

2.   Put the solution in the spray bottle and spray on the mold in the bathroom grout. Leave the solution on the grout for about 10 minutes, spraying every 3 minutes so that the solution doesn’t dry up.

3.   Wear the gloves and with the help of the sponge wipe the mold off the bathroom grout. If need be, you might have to scrub a little.

4.   Rinse with water at the end and the mold will be completely cleaned from your bathroom grout.


·      For maintenance of your bathroom grout, it is best to treat it with a vinegar solution i.e. vinegar diluted with water. This will ensure that you don’t have to thoroughly clean the mold for an extended period of time.

·      Always dehumidify the air in the bathroom after a long steamy shower. The best way to do this is to crack a window open after you are done with the shower.

How to Remove Mold Stains from Bathroom

Mold spores are present everywhere in the air, even when you cannot see them. Moist and humid environments provide a ground for them to breed and grow. Look around in your house; think about it; which place is likely to be moist and humid? Yes; you are right – the bathroom seems to be the perfect place for mold to grow in. The green or black spots that you see on the bathroom tiles, in the corner of the shower cubicle, on the edges of the grout are all mold. Once noticed, these mold stains are to be removed immediately. Not only because they are aesthetically unpleasing, but also for the sake of your family’s health. Mold is reported to cause allergic reactions as well as respiratory problems.

So, take some time out, get off the couch, grab a few household items, and follow one of the methods below to get rid of the mold problem that has been haunting you recently. Remember to always wear water-proof gloves and a face mask while removing mold. Otherwise, it can be hazardous. The methods outlined below are meant for mold clean up of a small area; for large area, you may have to call professionals.

Before you start the clean up, always do a spot test on a small area of the bathroom wall, tub, sink, tile or grout. In case of any discoloration that may occur as a result of the application of the cleaning solution, do not proceed with the same cleaning solution. Lastly, dispose of any items that you use to clean off mold from the bathroom. Throw away the gloves, brush and anything else that you use in the garbage bag outside, and tie a tight knot when you do so. Now proceed as follows to remove Mold Stains from Bathroom.

Method One (Removing Mold from Bath Tub)

Things that you will require:

·      Spray bottle
·      Water
·      Baking soda
·      Old toothbrush
·      Soft cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step towards the removal of mold from any kind of area involves preparation of the required cleaning solution. To do so, grab a spray bottle and fill it half way with water. Add baking soda to the bottle such that the solution is slightly concentrated. Shake the bottle well so that both the items mix completely.

2.   Now, spray a generous amount of the cleaning solution on the moldy area.

3.   Leave the cleaning solution in place for 5 to 10 minutes so that it has time to act on the mold spores and releases them from the surface of the bath tub.

4.   Next, grab an old toothbrush with stiff nylon bristles, and start scrubbing the moldy area with it.

5.   Continue to do so till the entire mold has been removed from the surface.

6.   Take a soft cloth, and wipe away any excess mold that is still present on the surface. Do not wash this cloth later and use it for other purposes. Once used on mold, it is necessary to throw it away.

7.   Rinse the tub well with plain water.

8.   Let it dry completely. Most bathrooms have little ventilation inside them. Turn the fan or heater on, and leave the door open.

9.   If mold stains are still slightly visible on your bathtub, repeat the above steps.

For more methods regarding removal of Pet Urine Stains from Carpet click here

Method Two (Removing Mold from Bathroom Grout)

Things that you will require:

·      Bucket
·      Water
·      Chlorine Bleach
·      Old toothbrush
·      Sponge

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step involves the formulation of the cleaning solution required to clean off the mold from the grout. To do so, grab a bucket, and fill it with 1 gallon of water. Add ½ to 1 cup of chlorine bleach in the water.

2.   Take hold of a sponge, dip it in the mixture of water and chlorine bleach, and apply it to the moldy area.

3.   Once done, grab an old, stiff toothbrush, and start scrubbing the grout with it.

4.   Keep doing so until the entire mold has been removed from the grout, and no stain remains.

5.   Rinse the area well with plain water.

6.   The wet area needs to dry completely. If it does not, mold is likely to reappear. Turn the ventilation on, and leave the door open. Do not close it till the bathroom is completely dry.

7.   If you still see little mold stains on the grout, do not ignore them; repeat the above steps and get rid of them immediately.

For more methods regarding removal of Mold from Bathroom Grout click here

Method Three (Removing Mold from Toilet Tank)

Things that you will require:

·      Spray bottle
·      Distilled white vinegar
·      Bleach-free liquid dish soap
·      Old toothbrush
·      Water
·      Clean cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Cleaning mold from the Toile Tank requires you to first put together all the ingredients required to make the cleaning solution. Grab any spray bottle that is lying around in your house. Add 2 cups of distilled white vinegar in the spray bottle along with 1 tablespoon on bleach-free liquid dish soap. Shake the bottle well so that all the ingredients mix completely.

2.   Spray the solution on to the affected areas of the toilet tank.

3.   Leave the solution in place for 10 to 15 minutes, allowing it to kill the mold present on the toilet tank.

4.   Now, you need an old toothbrush with nylon bristles. Rinse the brush well with water, and start scrubbing the moldy area.

5.   Continue to do scrub till the entire mold has been removed from the tank.

6.   Wipe the surface with a clean cloth to remove any excess mold present on the surface.

7.   Rinse the affected area with water.

8.   Let the toilet tank dry completely. Wipe it with another clean cloth if necessary. Leave the door open, and turn on the fan.

9.   If you see signs of any remaining mold on the tank after the first clean up, repeat the above steps.

For more methods regarding removal of Mold from Toilet Tank click here

Method Four (Removing Mold from Bathroom Walls/Ceiling)

Things that you will require:

·      Spray bottle
·      3% hydrogen peroxide
·      Old toothbrush
·      Clean cloth
·      Water

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To clean mold from the bathroom walls or ceiling, you first need to prepare your cleaning solution. In order to do so, pour some 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. Hydrogen peroxide has the following two qualities which make it a perfect solution to use when cleaning mold from the bathroom wall: it is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It is not hazardous to the environment and is safe to use.

2.   Spray a generous amount of hydrogen peroxide on the moldy area.

3.    Leave the cleaning solution in place for 10 minutes. This will allow hydrogen peroxide to release mold spores from the surface of the walls, and kill the mold.

4.   Now, grab an old toothbrush with stiff, nylon bristles, and start scrubbing the mold saturated in hydrogen peroxide.

5.   Keep scrubbing till the entire mold loosens from the wall surface.

6.   Now, take a clean cloth and wipe away the surface. Wiping with a cloth will get rid of the excess mold still present on the surface.

7.   Rinse the affected area well with plain water.

8.   Open any windows present in the bathroom and turn on the fan. This will help in air circulation within the bathroom. Leave the bathroom door open as well. The bathroom needs to dry completely. If it does not, mold might reappear in the wet areas.

9.   Ensure that all mold stains on Walls/Ceilings have disappeared. If you still see any, repeat the above steps.

For more methods regarding removal of Mold from Walls click here

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