Showing posts with label Coffee Stains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee Stains. Show all posts

How to remove Coffee Stains

           Coffee can be a life saver; and this statement is certainly not an exaggerated one. Think of yourself on a really hectic day with piles of work waiting for you. On such back breaking days one cup of coffee is all that you need to reinvigorate yourself. This one cup seems as if it is brimming with energy. Likewise, think of another situation when it is extreme cold and you are snuggled in your bed, clad in your woolen pajamas with a mug of coffee in your hand as you pursue your favorite book. Nothing can be more comforting at that moment than that one cup of coffee.

          However, that very same coffee wouldn’t sound that refreshing or comforting; once it spills over your clothes, carpet, upholstery or any other thing for that matter. This is because it would leave behind some very stubborn stains, whose removal can prove to be really daunting.

To treat such coffee stains, hereby we have aggregated together some very effective house hold remedies which will remove all sorts of coffee stains from scratch. All these methods deploy the stain lifting powers of various potent cleaning agents. Therefore, embark upon the following stain removal techniques and watch as their wonder takes place.

Method One (For the Removal of Coffee stains from clothes)

       Knocking up a cup of coffee during a hurried breakfast and ending up with stains all over your shirt front or down your pants isn’t something of a novelty. To deal with such situations, all you have to do is follow the steps given below and hopefully your clothes will look as if they are brand new.

Things that you will require:

·      Sink
·      Kettle
·      Water
·      Liquid laundry detergent
·      1 tea spoon vinegar
·      Spray bottle

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, take a kettle and pour some water into it. Heat up this water so that it gets warm to the touch; however you do not have to boil it.

2.  Next, place your coffee stained fabric over the sink. Hold this garment taut and pour the warm water over the stain in such a manner that it passes right through the fibers to the other side.

3.  Continue this process of pouring hot water for few minutes.

4.  Afterwards, pour a few drops of liquid laundry detergent on both sides of the coffee stain and rub gently.

5.    Continue rubbing the coffee stained area with the detergent onto it until it lathers. Follow this step by rinsing the garment thoroughly until all of the detergent is satisfactorily dissolved.

6.  If the stain tends to be stubborn and refuses to come off despite this step than you ought to make a stronger cleaning solution.

7.  To make this solution, you will have to mix one tea spoon of vinegar in a few cups of water. Mix the two ingredients thoroughly in a spray bottle and spritz it onto the coffee stained area.

8.  Next, take a clean, white cloth and use it to blot the coffee stain gently until the coffee stain gets out of the fabric.

9.  Finally, launder the garment like you normally do.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Another very effective cleaning solution to treat coffee stains on clothes can be made by mixing the yolk of an egg with a few drops of alcohol in a little warm water.

2.  It is better to treat coffee and tea stains as swiftly as possible before they have time to penetrate deeply into the fabric.

Click here, to find more about coffee stain removal methods for clothes.

Method Two (For Removal of Coffee stains from Carpets)

       Have you gone through that infernal day when constant work breaks your back and to top it off, you also happen to spill coffee onto your carpet? Coffee stains can mean bad news for your carpets, however with the right measures; you can get these stains right out of your carpets and restore them to their original stain-free state.

Things that you will require:

·      Clean, white rags
·      Sponge
·      Spray bottle
·      Water
·      Mild detergent
·      Baking soda
·      Absorbent towels
·      Vacuum

Steps that you need to take:

1.  If the stain happens to be fresh then primarily you will have to blot up as much coffee from the stain as possible. You can either make use of clean rags for this purpose or an absorbent sponge.

2.  To aid you in this blotting process, you can also spray some plain water onto the stained area and then blot again for more effective results.

3.  Repeat these steps as much as you feel necessary. If treated swiftly and carefully, it is very probable that you would be able to get rid of your coffee stains with this very method. However if you coffee traces are still to be seen then what you can do is take some mild detergent and apply it onto the stain. With the help of your fingers rub the stain gently so that the detergent is worked onto the stain; however refrain from rubbing harshly as it will only push the stain further into the carpet fibers.

4.  Afterwards, again spray some water onto the stained area and blot again with a clean cloth.

5.  If still the stain persists then you can make a cleaning paste by the combination of baking soda and water. This paste should be of the consistency of a tooth paste.

6.  Apply this paste onto the coffee stained area and leave it lying there for some time. This is done so that it might dry and carry out its cleansing action effectively.

7.  Once this paste has dried, vacuum away all its dry residue and hopefully the stain will have become part of history now.

8.  If any moisture is remaining then soak it up by placing a layer of absorbent towels onto the previously stained area and finally allow the area to air dry.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Make sure that you blot the carpet gently and carefully; because otherwise it is very likely that you might end up fraying the carpet fibers.

2.  Vinegar solution can also be spray onto the coffee stain in this instance as well.

In order to find out more about coffee stain removal methods for carpets, click here.

Method Three (For Removal of Coffee stains from Mattress)

        Were you dozing in bed with a cup of coffee in hand and before you could know any better a fit of sleep took you over and then suddenly you were brought back to earth with hot coffee seeping into your bed clothes, bed covers and mattress. The following method will take care of any such situation as it will provide you with the perfect method to get rid of coffee stains from mattress.

Things that you will require:

·      1 ounce liquid laundry detergent
·      1 ounce distilled white vinegar
·      10 ounces of water
·      Brush
·      Fresh water
·      Clean cloths/sponge

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Primarily, you will have to blot up as much coffee as possible from the stain with the help of a clean cloth or an absorbent sponge.

2.  Next you will have to take a spray bottle and combine all the requisite ingredients in it. These ingredients are 1 ounce of liquid laundry detergent, 1 ounce of distilled white vinegar and 10 ounces of water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and then spritz this solution onto the coffee stained area.

3.  Now take a brush and with the help of this brush, tap the solution onto the coffee stain. This is done so that this cleaning solution is worked onto the stain.

4.  Leave it lying there for some time, approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

5.  Once this time period is over, take a sponge and soak it in clean water. Wring out the sponge then so that it remains saturated but doesn’t drip water. With the help of this sponge, rinse the previously stained area.

6.  Keep blotting until all traces of coffee as well as the cleaning solution are satisfactorily gone away.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  It is highly recommended that you use a fan to dry off the mattress or a hair dryer. This is because if moisture remains entrapped within the mattress it can prompt the growth of mold.

2.  The quantity of the ingredients deployed in the solution ought to be directly proportional to the severity of the stain.

Find out more about coffee stain removal methods or mattress by clicking here.

Method Four (For Removal of Coffee stains from Upholstery)

Spilling coffee on your sofas or couches or upholstered chairs is a very frequent occurrence. If left for long these coffee stains can ruin your upholstery for good. However, with the method elaborated below, you can prevent any such unfortunate incident from taking place.

Things that you will require:

·      Paper towels
·      Water
·      White distilled vinegar
·      Clean cloths

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all you will have to blot up as much coffee as possible from the stain. You can make use of paper towels for this purpose. Take a whole stash of paper towels and with their help soak up all moisture from the coffee stain.

2.  Next, take a bowl or spray bottle and make a vinegar solution by mixing together 2/3 cups of water and the third cup of white vinegar. Mix these two ingredients thoroughly and then apply the solution onto your upholstery where the coffee stain is.

3.  Start blotting the stain from outside the stain towards its center.

4.  Continue this process of applying and blotting until the stain can no longer be seen.

5.  Finally, again take hold of some paper towels and use them to blot up all moisture.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  While blotting up moisture from the coffee stain with the help of paper towels; always work from outside the stain towards its center to prevent the stain from spreading further.

2.  Before applying any cleaning solution onto the stain, first of all check it on a discreet area of the upholstery.

3.  Make sure that you opt for white vinegar instead of malt one, because the latter option will only make matters worse.

There are many ways to battle coffee stains. Click here, to find out more about these coffee stain removal methods for upholstery.

Method Five (For Removal of Coffee stains from Paper)

While studying or working, a cup of coffee helps immensely as it can serve as a pick-me-up and can carry out through dozens of dog eared pages which have been only been thumbed through previously. However, the situation turns awry when you spill your coffee onto these pages. Coffee can leave behind a lasting stain on paper and since it’s a dye stain, it can make it difficult for you to read the words which have been camouflaged by coffee. To take care of all such situations, hereby we have elaborated for you a very effective stain removal method which will enable you to get rid of coffee stains from paper.

Things that you will require:

·      Paper towels
·      Chlorine bleach
·      Cold water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  If the stain is fresh and you have spilled the coffee just now then primarily you have to hasten to absorb as much moisture as you possibly can from the coffee stain. You can make use of paper towels for this purpose.

2.  Next, take hold of a paper towel and turn it into several folds.

3.  It ought to be folded in several layers so that it becomes thick. Dip this folded paper towel into chlorine bleach.

4.  Use this bleach paper towel to blot the coffee stain.

5.  It is quite probable that once this paper towel gets stained with coffee, you will have to use a new one.

6.  Finally, blot the previously stained area with a clean and dry towel.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Avoid saturating the paper.

2.  Do not rub the paper, always blot it carefully; rubbing it would harm the finish of the paper.

Click here, and get acquainted with numerous ways to deal with coffee stain removal methods for paper.

Method Six (For Removal of Coffee stains from Teeth)

Although the magic of coffee and its reinvigoration capability are unrivaled, yet it also comes with certain consequences; a major one of which are the stains that it leaves behind on your teeth. These brownish stains can become permanent if not treated on time and can leave a very bad impression upon the onlookers. Given below is an effective method which will enable you to bid farewell to these coffee stains for good.

Things that you will require:

·      Sodium bicarbonate
·      Tooth paste
·      Tooth brush

Steps that you need to take:

1.  This method is pretty effective and has been recommended by quite a number of people. However, since sodium bicarbonate can be a tad abrasive; therefore you should not carry out this procedure more than twice a week.

2.  All you have to do is take hold of sodium bicarbonate and your tooth paste along with your tooth brush.

3.  Apply some tooth paste onto the brush and then dip this brush into sodium bi carbonate.

4.  Now, with the help of this tooth brush, brush your teeth gently and thoroughly.

5.  If you carry on this procedure for almost twice a week; then after some time you will get rid of all humiliating coffee stains from your teeth satisfactorily.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  You can also make use of a commercial bleaching kit which is readily available at drug stores to whiten your teeth and get rid of all coffee stains.

2.  You should refrain from adding hydrogen per oxide to the sodium bi carbonate mixture elaborated in the method above, since per oxide can be toxic and consequently dangerous to your health.

There are many ways to battle coffee stains from teeth. Click here, to find out more about these coffee stain removal methods.

        Method Seven (For Removal of Coffee stains from Couch)

Couch can be the most vulnerable and likely victim of coffee spills, if you are fond of lying on your couch, sifting through the TV channels and cherishing your drink at the same time. However, any coffee spills and consequent stains do not imply in any way that you should make a trip to the dumpster to get rid of the couch or learn to live with the stain. Hereby, we provide you with an effective house hold remedy which will enable you to bid adieu to all coffee stains for good.

Things that you will require:

·      Absorbent towels
·      Detergent
·      Water
·      Sponge
·      Club soda
·      Stain remover

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Primarily, you will have to blot up all excess liquid with the help of paper towels.

2.  Then, apply a detergent solution onto the coffee stained area and leave it lying there for some time.

3.  Afterwards, with the help of a sponge or clean cloth blot the coffee stain. Keep blotting until you notice a visible reduction in the stain’s intensity.

4.  Next, take some club soda and pour it onto the coffee stained area. Leave it lying there for almost a minute and then again blot it with a cloth.

5.  If the stain still refuses to budge then you can also consider applying a commercial all-purpose stain remover onto it.

6.  Once you are sure that all traces of stain have been satisfactorily removed; take a clean cloth soaked in clean water and use it to rinse the previously stained area.

7.  Finally, allow it to air dry.


            Another method is to sprinkle some baking soda onto the coffee stained area and leave it lying there for almost half an hour. Once the baking soda has absorbed all traces of stain and moisture, simply brush it away.

Click here, to find more about coffee stain removal methods for couch.

Method Eight (For Removal of Coffee stains from Cup/Mugs)

Getting rid of old coffee stains from mugs can be a little tough but this is made extremely easy with the simple, yet effective method which is elaborated below.

Things that you will require:

·      Baking soda
·      Water
·      Sponge

Steps that you need to take:

1.  You would be amazed with the relative simplicity of this method and its wondrous results. Just take some baking soda and pour it into the coffee stained cup.

2.  Now, add a little water onto this baking soda.

3.  The amount of this water should be just enough that it forms a paste on combination with baking soda.

4.  Now lay your hands on a sponge or a soft bristled brush and with the help of either of the two things, scrub the stained cup.

5.  These steps will get rid of all coffee stains from scratch.

6.  Now, rinse your cup with clean water and it will be as good as new.


            Whenever you notice any brown residue on your mug or cup, just pour some baking soda and its gentle abrasive powers will take ample care of the stain.

There are many ways to battle coffee stains on cups/mugs. Click here, to find out more about these coffee stain removal methods.

Method Nine (Removal of Coffee stains from Stainless Steel Thermos)

Do you like keeping your coffee in a stain less steel thermos wherever you go, so that you can have your pick-me-up at the ready? If so, then you must be familiar with the brown stains embellishing your stain less steel thermos. To treat all such stains, hereby we provide you with an effective remedy to get rid of coffee stains.

Things that you will require:

·      ½ cup of hydrogen per oxide
·      2-3 teaspoons of baking soda
·      Soft bristled brush
·      Hot water
·      Soft cloth

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Pour ½ cup of hydrogen per oxide along with two to three tea spoons of baking soda into your coffee stained stain less steel thermos.

2.  Swirl these ingredients in the thermos for about a minute and let them stay there for almost half an hour.

3.  Once this time period is over, use a dish brush to scrub the insides of the thermos gently.

4.  Finally, rinse the thermos thoroughly with hot water.


You can also use either white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar to get rid of coffee stains from your stain less steel thermos.

In order to find out more about coffee stain removal methods for thermos, click here.

Method Ten (For Removal of Coffee stains from Wood)

Have you ever spilled coffee over your wooden table and then felt devastated, since your table happened to be an antique? If so, then this is the method which is meant just for you. It will enable you to get rid of all coffee stains from scratch, so follow the directions given below and restore your wood to its original luster.

Things that you will require:

·      Absorbent towels
·      Mild dish soap
·      Water
·      Clean cloths
·      Polish/wax

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you need to lay your hands on an absorbent pad and use it to draw away as much moisture from the coffee stain as possible.

2.  Next, you will have to make a cleaning solution by combining a mild detergent with water. Once this solution is made, separate the soapy suds and apply them onto the coffee stain.

3.  Now take a slightly dampened cloth and use it to wipe the stained surface.

4.  Continue this process until no coffee traces are left behind.

5.  Once the stain is gone, again wipe the surface with a clean cloth and then polish or wax the surface to restore it to its original luster.


           Do not scrub the wooden surface too harshly, as you might end up doing harm to it instead of any good.

In order to find out more about coffee stain removal methods for wood, click here.

Method Eleven (For Removal of Coffee stains from Leather)

Leather can be adversely affected from any leather spills, as coffee might penetrate through your leather surface and consequently harm it. Therefore, it is best to treat the stain as swiftly as possible, before it gets the chance to set deeply.

Things that you will require:

·      Absorbent pad
·      Mild soap
·      Lukewarm water
·      Sponge
·      Clean, dry cloth
·      Corn meal

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you will need to blot up all excess moisture from the coffee stain with the help of an absorbent pad.

2.  Once this is done, take hold of a mild detergent and mix it with lukewarm water to form a detergent solution.

3.  Extract soapy suds from this detergent solution and apply them onto the coffee stain with the help of a sponge.

4.  Blot the stain gently and then wipe it off with the help of a clean, dry cloth.

5.  If after the completion of these steps, you notice an oily residue that is left behind then lay your hands on any absorbing agents such as corn meal powder.

6.  Sprinkle this powder onto the oily remnants of the stain and leave it sitting there for some time so that it can carry out its cleansing action effectively.

7.  After some time, simply brush off the corn meal residue and hopefully by this time you would be rid of all stain remnants.


To restore leather to its original lustrous condition, you can consider conditioning it with leather cleaners which are available commercially.

Click here, to find more about coffee stain removal methods for leather.