Showing posts with label Armpit Stains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armpit Stains. Show all posts

How to remove Armpit Stains

            Yellowed or discolored armpit stains can be an embarrassment and a humiliation to look at. Moreover, this is an experience which almost every one of us has had. Obviously it is because all of us tend to sweat and since we do not want a sweaty stench coming off us, we make use of anti-per spirants. When the traces of these de odorants combine with sweat, a reaction takes place which results in the discoloration of clothes. These arm pits stains look gruesome on both white and colored clothes.

          None of us wants to go out in public, sporting these aggravating stains which have an ambivalent smell. However, the good news is that you can prevent these stains from building up. With adequate and timely action, it is not only possible but positively easy to get rid of these arm pit stains. Follow the directions given below and restore your clothes to their original, stain-free state.

Method One (For the Removal of Armpit Stains from White Clothes)

       Armpit stains can look particularly devastating on white clothes. They create a yellowish stained area which gives off an unpleasant stench. So whenever you come home from football or some other activity and notice these armpit stains, embark upon the method given below, as swiftly as you can, before these stains have time to set in permanently.

Things that you will require:

·      Baking soda
·      Water
·      Old tooth brush/ finger nail brush
·      Laundry detergent

Steps that you need to take:

1.  This method is pretty simple yet has guaranteed results. The first step would deal with the making of a baking soda paste.

2.  To make this paste, you need to take four table spoons of baking soda and combine them with one quarter cup of water.
3.  Mix the two ingredients thoroughly so that a cleaning paste of slightly thick consistency is formed.

4.  Apply this paste onto your stained armpits with the help of a tooth paste or a finger nail brush.

5.  Rub the brush gently so that the paste is worked into the stain.

6.  Allow this paste to sit onto the stained area for almost an hour so that it can set in and carry out its cleansing action effectively.

7.  Finally, launder the garment like you normally do, following the garment’s care instructions; and allow it to air dry.

8.  You can also repeat the above processes, as per the requirement of your stain’s intensity.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  When we talk of white clothes, automatically we start thinking of bleach as a reliable way to get rid of stains. But in the case of armpit stains you need to keep your garments away from chlorine bleach. This is because chlorine reacts with the proteins present in your sweat and therefore, instead of enabling you to get rid of the stain, it further sets it.

2.  The best way to deal with such stain is to wear a 100% cotton plain, white shirt underneath your external garments. This will prevent the sweat from ruining your clothes and staining them.

In order to learn more about armpit stain removal methods for white clothes, Click Here.

Method Two (For the Removal of Armpit Stains from Colored Clothes)

       Sweat stains are equally bad for white clothes and colored clothes. Although, in this case the yellow color might not stand out much, but a discolored patch is definitely going to be there which will not only look unsightly but will also be accompanied with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, to make sure that these armpit stains are effectively removed from your colored clothes, you need to follow the directions given below.

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Sodium bicarbonate
·      Vinegar
·      Laundry detergent
·      Lemon juice

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Primarily, you will have to take some water and use it to dampen the stained area.

2.  Next comes the step where you have to make a cleaning solution. To make this solution, take hold of sodium carbonate and water. Mix the two ingredients so that you end up with a thick paste.

3.  Apply a thick layer of this sodium bicarbonate paste over the stained area in such a manner that the stain is entirely covered.

4.  Now, take some white vinegar and pour it over this thick paste.

5.  A reaction will take place between acetic acid of vinegar and sodium bicarbonate and as a result you will witness an instant fizzing.

6.  Afterwards, put the garment aside for some time, until it gets dried completely.

7.  Once it is dry, brush off the powdered sodium carbonate from the previously stained area and launder the garment.

8.  Finally, dry the garment without the use of excessive heat.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  A mixture of vodka and water is also very effective for treating armpit stains.

2.  To deal with stubborn perspiration armpit stains, just take hold of a bit of meat tenderizer and sprinkle it on the stained area before washing it- this simple step can work wonders.

3.  Another effective way to treat these armpit stains is to crush two aspirins and mix them in warm water. This aspirin solution can also enable you to get rid of these annoying stains satisfactorily.

Click here, for more armpit stain removal methods for colored clothes.

Method Three (For the Removal of Armpit Stains from All Clothes)

        Given below is a method which is equally effective for both white and colored stains. It will help break down the aluminum build up which results in the discoloration of your garments. As a result you will be able to bid farewell to these armpit stains for good.

Things that you will require:

·      Dish washing detergent
·      Baking soda
·      Hydrogen per oxide
·      Brush
·      Water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you need to place the stained area underneath a tap of running water. Water will flush away maximum urea from the stain which causes yellowing and discoloration.

2.  Once this is done, our next step will be to make a cleaning solution. To make this solution, you will have to combine 1 tea spoon of Dish washing detergent with 3 to 4 table spoons of hydrogen per oxide and one or two table spoons of baking soda ( this is a rough estimate of the ingredients’ quantity; the quantity deployed would be directly proportional to the intensity of the stain).

3.  Mix all the three ingredients together and then apply this solution onto your stained arm pits.

4.  Afterwards, take hold of a soft bristled tooth brush and start rubbing the stain so that this cleaning solution is worked onto the stain.

5.  Rubbing it would agitate the stain-lifting powers of baking soda, hydrogen per oxide dish washing detergent; and together all these three ingredients will enable you to get rid of any armpit stains.

6.  Eventually, launder your previously stained garment and allow it to air dry.

 Tips and Warnings:

1.  Since sweat is a protein stain therefore excessive heat would set the stain further instead of removing it; therefore make sure that the stain is entirely removed before placing the garment into the dryer.

2.  Going for a non-aluminum deodorant can also prove to be helpful in avoiding armpit stains.

3.  For colored clothes, primarily check the solution on an inconspicuous area of the cloth for color fastness of the dye.

4.  Always use diluted hydrogen per oxide as it is quite probable that it might damage your fabric’s surface.

There are various ways to deal with armpit stains on clothes. Click here, to learn some of these methods.