Were you busily engrossed in reading and preparing for your
exams and before you knew it, you had highlighter stains all over your shirt
front? Now treating these pink, yellow, green stains isn’t that much of a
tedious task, yet you do have to deploy a certain amount of tact and elbow
grease. Moreover time is of utmost importance. The sooner you start treating
these stains, the easier will their removal be.
Follow the directions given below and
hopefully by the time you are done with these methods, these highlighter stains
will have become history.
Method One (Using Rubbing Alcohol)
Rubbing Alcohol in its diluted
form can satisfactorily get out all sorts of pink, yellow, green highlighter
stains from fabrics.
Things that you will require:
paper towels
Steps that you need to take:
1. The first step is all about taking some
safety pins and using them to mark the high lighter affected areas. This is
done as a precaution so that when you are finally done with the stain treatment
and washing, you can ensure that the stains have been removed satisfactorily.
2. Next, take some absorbent paper towels
and place them on the underside of the stained area. This is done so that the
stain doesn’t seep through the fabric consequently ruining the rest of the
3. Then, take another paper towel and pour
some rubbing alcohol on it.
4. Use this paper towel to dab the
highlighter stains
5. Continue dabbing until you are sure that
the stain starts to disappear. For larger or stubborn stains, you can also
consider applying rubbing alcohol directly onto the stained area.
6. Once you are sure that the stain has got
out, wash the fabric like you normally do, so that all traces of rubbing
alcohol and highlighter stains might be removed.
7. After taking out the previously stained
fabric out of the washer, check the marked areas to ensure that all stain
remnants have been removed.
8. If you find that there is more room for
cleaning then the above steps can be repeated, whereas if you feel that you
have got rid of the highlighter stain effectively, then you may put the fabric
into the dryer.
9. Hopefully, you will end up with entirely
clean and stain-free clothes.
Method Two (Using Oxygen Bleach)
Oxygen bleach has also been
known to treat highlighter stains and removing them from fabrics. Adopt the following steps for highlighter stains removal.
Things that you will require:
or 2 gallons of warm water
or 6 oz. of oxygen bleach
Steps that you need to take:
1. First of all take a bucket full of warm
2. Pour oxygen bleach into it and keep
stirring until it is thoroughly mixed.
3. Soak the highlighter stained fabric into
this solution.
4. Allow it to stay immersed for a few
5. Hopefully, after a lapse of several
hours, the stain will have gone.
6. Finally, wash the fabric like you
normally do.
Tips and Warnings:
1. Nail polish remover (non-acetone) can
also be used instead of rubbing alcohol.
2. Milk has also been known to yield
satisfactory results when it comes to getting rid of highlighter stains.
3. Do not place the fabric into dryer until
you are certain that the stain has gone completely.
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