How to remove Butter Stains from clothes

            Butter adds flavor to food and makes it dainty. Just thinking of sizzling sausages steeped in butter would make your mouth water. Yet butter fervor comes with its consequences. It’s not just the pounds you gain that you have to worry about, rather if butter gets spilled on your clothes then these grease stains are definitely going to make you whimper.

          Yet, this doesn’t imply that butter lovers have to sacrifice their love and compromise instead on bland meals. This is because, hereby we would be providing you with some immensely effective and inexpensive remedies which will battle these tough stains and enable you to get rid of them from scratch. So next time, when you are munching on some greasy foods, give yourself a break and enjoy the meal, since we would be equipping you with the perfect armor to battle these stains. Keep on reading below and bid farewell to these grueling stains for good.

Method One (Using Liquid Laundry Detergent)

       The following method for getting out butter stains from your clothes might appear to be commonplace enough, yet it yields pretty satisfactory results. Liquid Laundry detergent battles the greasy nature of butter stains and enables you to get rid of them.

Things that you will require:

·       Absorbent Paper towels
·      Dull knife/spoon
·      Stain remover
·      Liquid laundry detergent
·      Hot water
·      Washing soda

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you need to blot as much of the butter stain as possible. Use absorbent paper towels for blotting this stain. Make sure that you blot the stain instead of rubbing it and rubbing the stain would make you end up entrenched in a deeper mess. You can also consider scraping off maximum butter from the stain with the help of a spoon or a butter knife.

2.  Next, apply a liberal amount of liquid laundry detergent onto the greasy butter stain so that it is covered adequately. Agitate the detergent by rubbing it gently with your fingers.

3.  Now, rinse the stained garment with the hottest water which it can possibly withstand.

4.  Hopefully the detergent would have cut the grease and removed the butter stain to a large extent. However if the stain is stubborn and still persists, then you need to make a cleaning solution by combining two parts washing soda and one part water.

5.  After applying this cleaning solution/paste onto the butter stain, allow it to stay there for some time.

6.  Afterwards, launder the garment like you usually do, preferably with hot water.

Method Two (Using WD-40)

        This method might seem to be a tad harsh, yet if nothing else works on butter stains, then this method can remove such stubborn stains satisfactorily. However, you need to avoid deploying this method for delicate fabrics such as silk etc.

Things that you will require:

·      WD-40
·      Spray bottle
·      Liquid laundry detergent
·      Hot water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  This method is particularly useful for dried butter stains and the application is also pretty simple. All you have to do is take some WD-40 (a chemical used to protect metal from corrosion) and spray it onto the butter stained area.

2.  Allow this chemical to sit onto the stain for some time. WD-40 acts on the butter stain and helps loosen it, eventually culminating in its removal.

3.  Once the residual butter has been emulsified by WD-40 launder the fabric using liquid laundry detergent and hot water.

4.  Make sure that you launder the garment according to the care instructions provided on the label.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Baby powder can also be used to get rid of butter stains. Apply some powder onto the stain and then brush it off once it has absorbed the grease from the butter stain. Continue this process until the stain disappears and is no longer visible.

2.  Clear or white shampoo as well as inexpensive hair spray can be used to get rid of butter stains. Moreover, if situation calls for extreme measures then the use of lighter fluid can also be deployed.

3.  Make sure that the stain has gone entirely, before placing the previously stained garment into dryer.

4.  A few drops of ammonia onto the stained area can also yield satisfactory results.

5.  While using lighter fluid or WD-40, make sure that you are no fire source is nearby.

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