How to remove Soot Stains from Walls

Candle lit dinners; cozy fires on chilling winter nights and a good smoke after a strong tea are scenarios which are excessively appealing. Yet when you end up with grayish black soot stains on your walls, then perhaps you feel like giving these things a second thought.

These grayish stains are greasy and refuse to budge with merely detergent and water. They can easily be spotted on light colored walls and are not merely unsightly but also present a health hazard.

Repainting your wall is not a good option until primarily you remove the soot and then treat the stain. Feeling Dejected? Thinking of giving up your cozy fires and candle lit dinners? Well, all hope is not lost and we are here to restore your lost hope.

Given below is a simple home remedy which will help you to remove these soot stains from scratch, leaving you behind, with walls as good as new.

Things that you will require:

· Soot sponge
· Murphy’s Oil/ Rubbing alcohol
· Dish soap
· Warm water
· Vacuum upholstery attachment

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all, take a vacuum upholstery attachment and vacuum away the obvious pieces of soot. This upholstery attachment will enable you to effectively remove soot, as well as prevent any dents or scuffs on the wall.

2.   Afterwards take a soot sponge. This sponge is also known as a dry sponge or a Chem sponge. Using this soot sponge, rub the entire wall. This rubbing should be done extremely carefully, so that all soot is properly lifted off the wall.

3.   Once you are sure that majority of the soot has been removed off the wall, wash it using Murphy’s oil and water.

4.   Start from the bottom and work upwards, and make sure that you wipe the wall with a clean cloth.

5.   In case you cannot lay your hands on Murphy’s oil, then take some rubbing alcohol and dab it on the soot stains. Continue blotting the stains until they start disappearing.

6.   Then take a dish soap solution. Dish soap has a grease cutting tendency and can effectively remove soot stains.

7.   Soak a clean cloth in this solution and then use this cloth to wipe off any leftover grease.

8.      Work from the bottom and move upwards. Moreover work in small sections to prevent the stain from spreading.

9.      Hopefully, you will end up with soot-free and stain-free walls.

Tips and Warnings:

· Only a dry cleaning/ soot sponge should be used for the removal of soot from the walls. This is because; this sponge attracts soot and holds on to it. Consequently, it prevents the soot from spreading or reapplying as you work your way over the whole area.

· If despite these steps, the soot refuses to come off, and then try taking some professional help.


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