How to Remove Red Wine stains

A glass of your favorite red wine can make all the difference to your meal. Nothing can be more pleasant than sharing your favorite red wine with your favorite company at a cocktail party. Yet when that very glass which seemed like bliss a moment ago, topples over and gets splattered down your dress then surely you feel like cursing the entire world’s red wine.

Worse still is the situation when the havoc wreaked by that apparently innocent glass of red wine is not merely confined to your dress but leaves behind its memoirs on your carpet and upholstery as well.

Pissed off and furious would perhaps be an understatement. Undeniably you feel like strangling wine, if only you could. Instead you end up with aggravating stains to take care of.

However the story doesn’t end here and these red wine stains do not mark the end of this world. With our simple home remedies, removing these red wine stains will not only be easy but it would also be totally inexpensive.

So buck up and follow the directions given below. Act as swiftly as you can and eventually the stains will be nowhere to be seen.

Method One (For the removal of red wine stains from clothes)

 Try to embark upon this stain removal method when the stain is still fresh. Moreover, don’t let the stain dry up, as the removal of dried stains can be all the more difficult. Proceed as described below.

Things that you will require:

· Clean cloth
· Salt
· White Wine
· Baking Soda
· Cold water

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all, if the stain is still fresh then try blotting it up with a clean cloth. Only dab or blot the cloth so that excess moisture might be removed. This is because rubbing might not be a good option, since it can spread the stain further.

2.   Afterwards, take some salt and sprinkle it on the stain. Salt is a good absorbent and can treat all the excess moisture from the stain effectively. This salt can soak up all the liquid and prevent it from penetrating deeply into your fabric’s fibers, so keeping salt along with red wine comes in real handy; for you never know who might knock his/her glass over.
3.   Once the salt has performed its task, just brush it off the fabric’s surface.

4.   Now, if the stain belongs to red wine, then probably pouring some white red wine over it would be a good idea, since white red wine neutralizes red wine and prevents it from staining the cloth.

5.   However if this is not the case, or perhaps if you don’t have white red wine at your disposal, then baking soda can do the trick.

6.   Apply a liberal amount of soda onto the stain and allow it to sit for some time, approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

7.   Afterwards, brush away the baking soda’s residue and launder the garment like you normally do, making sure that you make use of cold water.


The above method works well for fabrics such as cotton and polyester, yet if you are dealing with a delicate texture such as silk, then it is better that you consult a professional dry cleaner.

Method Two (removal of red wine stains from carpets)

Cocktail party accidents might result in stained carpets. For a minute you might get dejected and consider making a trip to the dumpster, yet our effective tip will prevent this unpleasant scenario and ensure a satisfactory removal of red wine stains from carpets. Proceed as explained below.

Things that you will require:

· Clean cloth/paper towel
· 1 table spoon dish soap/detergent
· 1 table spoon vinegar
· 2 cups lukewarm water
· 2 clean towels
· Clean rag
· Cold water

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all use a paper towel or a clean cloth to blot the stain. Avoid rubbing vigorously as it can fray the carpet fibers.

2.   Next, you have to make a cleaning solution. This cleaning solution ought to comprise of 1 table spoon of detergent, 1 table spoon of vinegar and 2 cups of lukewarm water.

3.   Using a clean towel, apply this solution onto the stain. Keep blotting along with a dry clean towel as well.

4.   Continue this application and blotting process, until the stain begins to disappear.

5.   Once the red wine stain has gone, blot the previously stained area with a clean towel soaked in cold water so that all stain and cleaning agent traces might be removed.

6.   Finally, using a clean rag wipe the surface and let it air dry.


If the stain is stubborn and refuses to get out of the carpet’s surface by using the method given above, then you can resort to a stronger cleaning solution, comprising of hydrogen per oxide and soap. First apply per oxide onto the stain and allow it to sit in the stain for a few minutes. Next, using a spray bottle filled with one part water and one part soap, mist the stain and keep blotting until the stain is removed.

Method Three (removal of red wine stains from upholstery)

Whether it’s your living room upholstery or your car upholstery, red wine stains look unsightly no matter what. These red wine stains mar the beauty of your upholstered sofas and chairs. Taking professional help to take care of this matter can be pretty costly and for this particular reason, we have accumulated together some pretty effective tips which will make sure that you get rid of these stubborn red wine stains.

Things that you will require:

·  Paper towels
·  Sponge
·  Warm water
·  Salt
·  Talcum powder
·  Tooth brush
·  Vinegar
·  Liquid detergent

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all, blot any stain incurred by your upholstery with clean absorbing paper towels.

2.   Next, take warm water and mix some salt in it. Using a sponge, apply this salt solution onto the stain and keep blotting.

3.   A fresh stain will probably be removed by this method, however if the stain is stubborn then apply a thick layer of talcum powder onto the stain.

4.   Allow this talcum powder to sit on the stain for some time, approximately 3 to 5 minutes.

5.   Then taking a tooth brush start working onto the stain. Scrub and spread the powder using this brush.

6.   Finally, brush away this powder. You will notice an obvious difference in the stain intensity.

7.   For satisfactory removal of this red wine stain, take some vinegar and drop it directly onto the stain, once you are done with the talcum powder.

8.   Blot this vinegar onto the stain, using a clean cloth. Vinegar’s acidity will go a long way in prompting the red wine particles to come off your upholstery’s surface.

9.   To ensure that all stain remnants as well as all traces of cleaning agents have been satisfactorily removed, take some liquid laundry detergent and pour a few drops onto the stain.

10.   Clean it off, using a sponge and warm water and finally remove all moisture with the help of an absorbent paper towel.

11.   If those annoying red wine stains have been effectively cleaned by now, then allow your upholstery to air dry. Otherwise, your last resort can be commercial upholstery cleaner.

12.   Apply this cleaner onto the stain and follow all the directions given along with it carefully.


· Rubbing the stain will only spread it further.

· If the stain is fresh then blot it with a clean paper towel, whereas if it is dry then primarily moisten it as dried stains are all the more difficult to remove.

· Always check the cleaning code label on your upholstery before embarking on any cleaning method.

· Use cold water to rinse the stain but salt solution ought to be made in warm water.

· If none of these methods work, then try seeking some professional help.


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