How to remove bird poop stains from clothes

This unfortunate accident which begins to feel funny after sometime has happened to almost everyone at some point of their lives. You definitely see the funny part of it, but after some time. Meanwhile you have to deal with this nasty little stain which had just ruined, probably the best of your clothes.

You might be a frequent victim of these bird poop stains, if you happen to have a feathered friend. In this situation, it is all the better to be proficient in poop stain removal tips. This is because all birds have these little accidents quite often. Now understandably of course you cannot blame these tiny naïve things, but this fact cannot be denied that no one likes getting pooped over. Now the question is what we ought to do with these annoying little stains? Moreover sometimes these perky creatures had berries before they saw you as a comfortable poop target, and consequently your clothes get stained; and stained big time. Fortunately, these bird poop stains can be effectively removed without much sweat and labor.

One point that has to be taken into consideration is that, for all the methods, primarily scrape off the excess poop with a dull knife or spoon. Try working from the outside, so that the stain doesn’t spread any further. Following are some helpful tips to get rid of these stains and bid them adieu.

Method One (Using Hydrogen per oxide)

 Removing bird poop stains by this method is excessively simple and doesn’t require much effort on your part. It is better that you take prompt action after your feathery friend has relieved himself so that the stain doesn’t get much time to set in.

Things that you will require:

·      Dull knife
·      Cool water
·      3% Hydrogen per oxide

Steps that you need to take:

The steps are simple and few. It works exceptionally well with fresh stains but can be used for old ones too. The materials used aren’t hard to get by; they are generally present in your home. So get to work and remove that little gross stain before you eventually start telling its stories and laughing your head off.

1.   Place the stain under water and rinse it off. Since the stain will most probably be fresh, so it wouldn’t be so hard to get rid of it. Rub the stain gently and continue rinsing until the stain comes off. Even if it doesn’t get out entirely, make sure that maximum proportion of it indeed does.

2.   If the stain hasn’t removed even after following the first step, then you ought to treat the stain with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This is also generally used in first aid kits.

3.   Now, rinse the stain again and enjoy stain-free clothes.


 Before treating the stain with hydrogen per oxide, test the color steadfastness of the cloth by applying it on a hidden area. If the cloth gets damaged by hydrogen per oxide, then go for the latter method.

Method two (Using liquid laundry detergent)

This method is useful for the removal of stains that are a bit old or berry poop stains which are harder to get off. Moreover if your cloth is allergic to hydrogen per oxide, then this method is relatively safe for it.

Things that you will require:

·      Cold water
·      Blunt knife or spoon
·      Liquid laundry Detergent
·      Hot water
·      Chlorine bleach/ color safe bleach

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Rinse the stain with cold water and try to flush away the maximum amount of poop. Run it under water inside out.

2.   Afterwards, pre-treat the stain with a powdered laundry detergent or a liquid laundry detergent. Rub the stain with fingers to agitate the soap, so that maximum of the stain can be got rid of. Continue rubbing the stain and rinsing until you are sure that the stain is almost gone.

3.   Launder the garment as you usually do.

4.   Before you put the fabric in the dryer, make sure that the poop stain has been effectively removed. Otherwise heat from the dryer may set the stain further.

5.   If the poop stain still hasn’t got cleaned, after treating it with the detergent; then apply some bleach on it. Chlorine bleaches if its color is steadfast or color safe bleach in the contrary situation.

6.   Rinse and launder the garment. Enjoy clean and stain-free clothes.


Bird poop is likely to contain germs, therefore disinfecting your washing machine, after washing poop-stained clothes is a good option.


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