How to remove Mold from Bathroom Grout

It is common knowledge that mold is found in places which are exposed to humidity for a long period of time. One of these places is the bathroom, which is constantly used making it prime environment for growth of mold.

Bathroom grout is very hard to clean when it comes to the removal of grout without a trick up your sleeve which is why we have come up with the following method which will not only help remove the mold but will also prevent it from growing in your bathroom grout ever again.

Things that you will require:

·       Ammonia
·       Borax
·       Vinegar
·       Bleach (Chlorine based)
·       Empty bowl
·       Gloves
·       Spray bottle
·       Sponge

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Start by mixing equal quantities of borax, vinegar and bleach along with half of that quantity of ammonia.

2.   Put the solution in the spray bottle and spray on the mold in the bathroom grout. Leave the solution on the grout for about 10 minutes, spraying every 3 minutes so that the solution doesn’t dry up.

3.   Wear the gloves and with the help of the sponge wipe the mold off the bathroom grout. If need be, you might have to scrub a little.

4.   Rinse with water at the end and the mold will be completely cleaned from your bathroom grout.


·      For maintenance of your bathroom grout, it is best to treat it with a vinegar solution i.e. vinegar diluted with water. This will ensure that you don’t have to thoroughly clean the mold for an extended period of time.

·      Always dehumidify the air in the bathroom after a long steamy shower. The best way to do this is to crack a window open after you are done with the shower.


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