How to remove Pet Urine stains from rugs

Having pets is great way to have company. Whether it is a cat or a dog, they provide a certain comfort to those who have a soft spot for them. Kittens and puppies are the cutest and watching them grow up is fun but in case you have gotten the ones that haven’t been trained then you will definitely have a problem. Untrained pets tend to urinate where ever they may please.

Your pet urinating on your brand new rug is like a nightmare coming true because not only will it leave stains but will also leave a horrible smell behind. The best way to handle this situation is to learn how to train your pet. Search online, read books or hire help, but first think about cleaning the rug. Yes the rug can be saved and it isn’t ruined forever. If you act fast you can save your rug and remove the stains and smell from it.

We have come up with the following methods for you so that a successful pet urine stain removal is possible. These methods are tried and tested and will give the best results. The directions are simple and easy to follow.

Method 1

Things that you will require:

·      Cleaning towels
·      Gloves
·      Garbage bag
·      Distilled vinegar
·      Wet vacuum
·      Water
·      Empty bowl

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Put the gloves on so that none of the urine gets on your fingers. If even a dot touches you it’ll smell like pet urine even after you wash your hands.

2.   Now take the empty bowl and add equal amounts of water and distilled vinegar. Make sure that you have enough to pour over the stains.

3.   Take the cleaning towels and start by cleaning the spot where your cat or dog has urinated on the rug. It is best to press the cleaning towel in case the stains are brand new. After you are done with the cleaning place the dirty towels in the garbage bag.

4.   Pour the vinegar mixture onto the rug and leave it on about ten minutes. Now vacuum the stains so that the vinegar is sucked out of the rug. Repeat step 4 twice if the stains are fresh, but if the stains are older, you might need to repeat step 4 more than two times.

5.   After this use a cleaning towel to soak in regular water and scrub the rub and vacuum away the water so that there is no trace of urine or vinegar left on it.

6.   Let the rug air dry.

Method 2

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Sodium lauryl sulfate
·      Lavender essential oil
·      Baking soda
·      Spoon
·      Ginger essential oil
·      White vinegar
·      Empty bowl
·      Cleaning towels
·      Shampoo  bottle
·      Dish washing soap

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Take the empty bowl and pour four glasses of water in it. Start by mixing sodium lauryl sulfate.

2.   Now while stirring with the spoon add two tsp. of baking soda. Don’t let it settle.

3.   Add ginger and lavender essential oils along with vinegar. Stir till everything has thoroughly been mixed.

4.   Pour the mixture into the empty shampoo bottle and spray the stained rug with an ample amount. While pouring the mixture on the rug, make sure you shake the bottle before each spray. A thin layer is enough to take care of the stains. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

5.   Now pour a few dots on dish washing soap onto the stained area. Dip a cleaning towel into water and remove the mixture. Soak the towel in water repeatedly so that no trace of the solution is left behind.

6.   Let the carpet air dry.


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