How to remove Ghee Stains from clothes

Ghee is used in a number of ways in the east. It is used at weddings in ceremonies where it is put into the hair of the bride and groom as well as desi food. Ghee makes the food taste delicious and its smell is very pleasing for the people from the eastern hemisphere. During sacred rituals and even while cooking, ghee can find its way onto your clothes in no time. One drop can spread onto the clothes making an even bigger stain.

Ghee stains can be tricky to remove but the best way to a successful ghee stain removal is to take immediate action and always pre-treat the stains. In order to make your life easy, we have come up with the following methods for pre-treating the ghee stains.

Method 1 (Using WD-40 Solution)

If you have ghee stains on your clothes and a car well you have no problem. The WD-40 solution is best for removing the ghee stains. The method is simple and easy to follow and if you follow the directions you will have stain free clothes in no time.

Things that you will require:

·      WD-40
·      Water
·      Sponge
·      Empty shallow bowl
·      Heavy laundry detergent (liquid)

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Take the empty shallow bowl and fill it half way with WD-40. Soak the sponge onto the WD-40 and apply to the ghee stains. Leave it on for thirty minutes. Keep applying the sponge dipped in WD-40 every ten minutes.

2.   Now wash the clothes with water to rinse out the WD-40 liquid. Use ample amount of water.

3.   After that use the heavy laundry detergent liquid to wash the stained clothes.

4.   Once the washing is done, air dries the clothes. At this point all the ghee stains will be successfully removed. For more stain removal methods read below.

Method 2 (Using Baby Powder)

The baby powder solution works like a charm. It is easily available in the market and any brand would do. The directions are simple and this method has proven to be very effective so say goodbye to the ghee stains and make your favorite clothes look as good as new.

Things that you will require:

·      Baby powder
·      Water
·      Liquid detergent
·      Laundry brush

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Sprinkle a large amount of baby powder onto the ghee stains and rub it on the stains gently so that it. Leave it on for a whole day. The powder will absorb the ghee right out of the clothes.

2.   Now take warm water and put liquid detergent into it. Put the clothes into the detergent solution and leave it for about twenty minutes. Scrub the stained area with the laundry brush.

3.   Rinse the clothes. By this point the stain will be completely removed.

4.   Always air dry clothes that have been stained by ghee or oil.

Method 3 (Kerosene Oil Solution)

Things that you will require:

·      Kerosene oil
·      Tooth brush
·      Cleaning towel
·      Dropper
·      Water
·      Laundry detergent

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Fold a cleaning towel and put under the ghee stain.

2.   Now fill the dropper with kerosene oil and drip a few drops of it onto the ghee stains. Take the tooth brush and scrub the stains and leave the kerosene oil on the stains for about 2 hours.

3.   Now take the liquid laundry detergent and put a few drops onto the ghee stains. Scrub it in with the tooth brush, occasionally dipping the brush in water.

4.   At this point the stains will be completely removed. Rinse the clothes with water and check the stains.

5.   In order to remove the kerosene completely put the clothes in laundry and wash as usual.

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