How to Remove Grass Stains from Shirts

Every child loves to play outside in the open, and we cannot stop them from doing so. However, when they do so, accidents might happen. They may fall from a swing, roll around on the ground during a game, or hold a dirty ball against their shirt. All such accidents result in getting various stains on one’s shirts, including grass stains which are essentially dye stains, and get easily bonded to the fiber of the shirt. Although nasty, these stains can be removed using the right ingredients. Follow the instructions below to get rid of grass stains on white as well as colored shirts.

Stains that have had time to set in are harder to remove. Remember to act on grass stains as soon as you see them. Never put the shirt in the dryer till all the stain has been removed. If you do so, the stain may become permanent. Flush the stain with water. This will remove any dirt or debris that came with the grass stain. Now proceed in one of the following ways, depending on whether it is a white shirt or a colored shirt.

Method One (For White Shirts Only)

Things that you will require:

·      Hydrogen peroxide
·      Bleach
·      Water
·      Bowl
·      Paper towels
·      Soft, clean cloth
·      Old toothbrush

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step towards the removal of grass stains from a white shirt involves the making of the cleaning solution. To do so, you will need hydrogen peroxide, bleach, water and a bowl. Grab a bowl, add a quarter cup of household bleach and an equal amount of hydrogen peroxide in it. Next, pour ¾ cup of water in the bowl, and mix all the ingredients completely.

2.   Now, lay out the shirt completely flat on a hard surface. Place paper towels under the shirt so that the below surface does not get ruined.

3.   Dip a soft, clean cloth in the solution, and apply a generous amount of the solution on to the stained area. Work the solution into the stain with an old toothbrush.

4.   Leave the solution in place for an hour.

5.   After an hour, rinse the stained area with plain water.

6.   Wash the shirt as normal.

7.   If the stain has been completely removed, let the shirt dry. Otherwise, repeat the above steps to remove any remaining grass stains.

Method Two (For Colored Shirts)

Things that you will require:

·      Plain vinegar
·      Baking soda
·      Bowl
·      Paper towels
·      Gloves
·      Water

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Since the solution of hydrogen peroxide and bleach may remove the color of some shirts, colored shirts require a different cleaning solution. To make the cleaning solution, grab a bowl. Add a little plain vinegar to it, and as much baking soda as required to make a cream like paste of both the ingredients. You can add more or less vinegar and baking soda depending on the size of the stain.

2.   Place the shirt on a hard surface such that the back side of the stain faces you. Place paper towels underneath the shirt so that the hard surface does not get damaged.

3.   Wear gloves. Now, apply the paste on the grass stain with your fingers, and rub it gently.

4.   Leave the solution in place for 15 minutes.

5.   After 15 minutes, rinse the stained area thoroughly with plain water.

6.   Wash the shirt as normal.

7.   Check the shirt for any remaining grass stains. If there are any, repeat the above steps. Otherwise, let the shirt dry completely.


Check all cleaning solutions on an inconspicuous area of the shirt. If the solution damages the shirt in any way, do not use it. Also, read the label of the shirt for any specific directions regarding stain removal.


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