How to Remove Mold from Upholstered Furniture

Every mother and wife wants her children and husband to grow up in a clean environment. However, maintaining a clean environment can be difficult when moisture or humidity gives room for mold to grow. Upholstered furniture, such as couches and chairs, provides a lot of area upon which mold can grow. Instead of resorting to drastic steps such as changing the upholstery of the furniture, you can use these simple remedies at home to get rid of the mold, and have your furniture return to its’ original appearance.

Before you starting removing the mold, do the following:

·      Wear gloves.

·      Take the furniture outside in the open to prevent mold spores from spreading inside the house. Also, sunlight kills mold spores. Avoid a moist, rainy or humid day. Leave the furniture in direct sunlight for a few hours if possible.

·      Using a soft, bristle brush, brush off mold spores from the furniture. Do not reuse this brush for other purposes.

·      Some mold may have seeped deeper into the upholstery. Vacuum the affected area to get rid of the deep mold spores. Dispose of the vacuum bag in the garbage bin outside immediately.

·      Before you use your chosen solution on the affected area, test the solution it on an inconspicuous area of the upholstery. Apply the solution on a small patch, leave it on for 2 minutes, and wipe it away. If the fabric discolors, do not use that solution on the fabric.

After that to remove mold from upholstered furniture, proceed in one of the following ways.

Method One (Using Hydrogen Peroxide)

Things that you will require:

·      Hydrogen peroxide
·      Water
·      Spray bottle
·      Clean, soft cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Pour 1 part hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, and add 3 parts water to it. Shake well so that hydrogen peroxide mixes well with the water.

2.   Spray the solution on to the affected area.

3.   Let it dry.

4.   Once dried, spray it again, and leave it on for 15 minutes.

5.   Rub the stain gently with a clean, soft cloth.

6.   Repeat the above instructions if the stain is still visible.

7.   Clean the solution from the upholstered furniture with a cloth dipped in plain water.

8.   Ensure that the affected area is completely dry before moving the furniture back inside the house.

Method Two (Using Chlorine Bleach)

Things that you will require:

·      Chlorine bleach
·      Water
·      Spray bottle
·      Soft, clean cloth or sponge

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Pour a quarter cup of chlorine bleach in a spray bottle, and add 5 cups of water to it.

2.   Mix well by shaking.

3.   Saturate the stain with the solution.

4.   Scrub the mold stain using a soft, clean cloth or sponge.

5.   Your stain should have disappeared by now. If it is still visible, repeat the process.

6.   Wipe the mold stain with a cloth soaked in plain water. Do not soak the upholstery.

7.   Let the upholstery dry completely.

Method Three (Using Rubbing Alcohol)

Things that you will require:

·      Spray bottle
·      Water
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Sponge or clean cloths

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Take a spray bottle, and pour 1 cup water in it. Now, add 1 cup rubbing alcohol to the bottle.

2.   Shake well.

3.   Spray the solution on to the mold stain.

4.   Scrub the stain using a sponge or clean cloth.

5.   Dip a cloth in plain water, and wipe the mold stain with it to get rid of the solution on the upholstery. Do not soak the upholstery.

6.   Leave it in the sun to dry for a few hours before moving it back inside.

You can also spray a liquid mold fungicide on the furniture to kill mold or use an upholstery stream cleaner on the affected furniture.

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Unknown said...

Very informative and helpful recommendations to correct the mold problem I have on one of my dining room kitchen chair cushion. Really appreciate the guidance and directions provided in your article on how to remove mold in upholstered furniture. Thank you.

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