How to Remove Ink Stains From Wood

Do you cover your furniture with table mats only because you are afraid to drop something on that expensive, antique piece of wood that you cherish so much, and hold close to your heart? Although most stains can be removed with soap and water, some stains can be frustrating, and require a lot of energy. If you have just noticed ink stains that have accidentally come up on your wood furniture, do not panic. Methods outlined below can help you get rid of those stains and make your furniture look new.

Before you remove stains of ink on wood, blot away any excess ink that may be present. To do this, take a damp paper towel and blot the affected area very carefully. Remember not to rub; else the ink stain will spread.

Method One

Things that you will require:

·      Baking soda
·      Water
·      A clean, soft cloth
·      Cotton balls
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Two bowls

Steps that you need to take:

1.   The first step towards the removal of ink stains from wood involves making a paste of baking soda and water. Pour 1/2 cup of water in to a small bowl. Now add as much as baking soda as required to make a thick paste. Mix thoroughly.

2.   Now, put some paste on your fingers, and rub it on the ink stain in a circular motion. Be careful while rubbing it. You do not want to damage the finish of the wood.

3.   Let it set for 10 – 15 minutes.

4.   Pour some water in another bowl and dip a clean, soft cloth in it.

5.   Start removing the paste from the wood with the cloth by scrubbing the affected area.

6.   Repeat the above provided instructions till the ink stain is completely removed.

7.   If you notice a little mist on the wooden surface after using baking soda, apply a little amount of alcohol on the affected area with cotton balls.

Method Two

Things that you will require:

·      Dishwashing detergent
·      Warm water
·      Soft, clean cloths
·      Superfine steel wool (number 0000)
·      Liquid wax
·      A towel

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Pour 1/3 cup of hot water in a bowl, and add ½ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent to it.

2.   Keep mixing the solution till soap suds appear.

3.   Next, take the clean cloth, and dip it into the soap suds. Be careful to not wet it in the whole solution.

4.   Now apply the cloth on the affected area. Keep wiping till the stain disappears.

5.   Take another clean, moistened cloth and wipe the Ink Stain with it to remove the soapy solution present on the wood.

6.   Lastly, use a clean towel to dry the area.

In case the stain still fails to remove, proceed in the following way:

7.    Take superfine steel wool (number 0000) and liquid wax. Dip the former in to the latter.

8.    Rub the Ink Stain slowly and very lightly with your steel wool. Rubbing too hard will remove more than just a fine layer of the wooden surface.

Warning: The wooden surface may need to be polished or waxed after the application of wool and wax.

Method Three

Things that you will require:

·      Either denatured alcohol or hairspray
·      Water
·      Soft cloths
·      Cotton balls
·      A bowl

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Apply a little bit of rubbing alcohol or hairspray, whichever is readily available in your home, on to a cotton ball.

2.   Treat the stain with alcohol by gently wiping the affected area. Remember not to rub too hard as it may remove some of the finishing.

3.   Repeat these steps till the stain removes completely.

4.   Next, take a cloth and dip it in a bowl of plain water.

5.   Wipe the affected area with the cloth.

6.   Your Ink stain has been removed and your table is as good as new now!

Warning: Hairsprays and alcohol can damage some surfaces. You may want to test on an inconspicuous area first.


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