How to Remove Ink Stains from Shirts

A leaking pen in the pocket of your shirt can prove to be a disaster for your clothes. That is not the only way ink can end up on your shirt. Having ink on your hands and accidentally rubbing them against your clothes, or having the ink fly out of the bottle while trying to open it are other common ways through which ink may end up on your shirt. Any kind of ink can ruin a perfectly good piece of clothing. However, there are home remedies through which you can get rid of these ugly stains. When you see an ink stain, do not procrastinate. Act on it immediately!. The specific directions are described below.

To start off, place a dry paper towel underneath the shirt or between the front and the back of the shirt as soon as you see the stain. Gently dab the front of the stain with another paper towel to absorb any excess ink. This will keep the stain from seeping through to more sections of your shirt.

Next, determine your shirt’s material. Shirts that contain rayon, acetate or triacetate react badly to alcohol and thus, the alcohol method should not be used on them. Also determine whether the stain is a water-based ink stain or a non water-based ink stain. Water-based ink stain can easily be removed by the dishwashing detergent method whereas, non water-based ink stain cannot. Non-water/ permanent ink stains can be removed by alcoholic treatment. Lastly, wear gloves while treating all stains.

Once you have done the above mentioned things, you may proceed in one of the following way.

Method One (Using Dishwashing Detergent)

Things that you will require:

·      White paper towels
·      Water
·      Clean, white cloth
·      Dishwashing detergent
·      White vinegar
·      A bowl
·      Gloves

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step involves laying the ground for the removal of ink stains from your shirt. Place white paper towels on the surface where you plan on cleaning your shirt, and put your shirt on top of them.

2.   Now, spray some water on the stain and leave it for 5 minutes.

3.   Take a clean, white cloth and dab the stained area. Do this till no more ink transfers from the shirt to the cloth.

4.   If the paper towels beneath the shirt get soaked, replace them.

5.   Add 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent to 2 teaspoons of white vinegar and one cup of water in a bowl. Mix thoroughly.

6.   Dip a clean cloth in the cleaning solution, and apply it to the affected area.

7.   After the solution has been in place for 20 minutes, start rubbing the shirt together so that the Ink Stain is lifted.

8.   Lastly, put your shirt in the washing machine. Put the machine on the warmest water temperate suitable for your shirt.

Method Two (Using Milk)

Things that you will require:

·      Milk
·      A wide mouthed container
·      Bathroom soap
·      Cold water
·      Paper towels

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Firstly, pour milk into a wide mouthed container, and put it outside in the open so that it rots.

2.   Wait till the milk becomes lumpy and starts giving a bad smell. When it does, you can use it on the shirt.

3.   Place the shirt on top of paper towels.

4.   Now, dip your covered fingers in the milk and pick some of the lumpy pieces in the milk.

5.   Apply these pieces to the affected area.

6.   Let the lumpy pieces be till the ink starts bleeding into the pieces. Once it does, shake the pieces off.

7.   Next, take bathroom soap and dampen it with cold water.

8.   Blot the affected area with the soap.

9.   The Ink stain should remove shortly. Once it does, rinse your shirt with cold water, and wash it.

Method Three (Using Rubbing Alcohol)

Things that you will require:

·      Paper towels
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Cotton swabs

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Lay down a paper towel on top of which you can place your damaged shirt.

2.   Before you apply alcohol to the affected area, it is best to test it on an inconspicuous area to confirm that your shirt is not damaged by the alcohol. If your shirt does not discolor, proceed further.

3.   Apply alcohol to the stain using cotton swabs.

4.   Keep blotting at the stain till it completely disappears.

5.   Let the area dry before you apply another quote of alcohol on it.

6.   Rinse the stain after every application of alcohol.

7.   Once the Ink stain disappears, wash the shirt normally.

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