How to Remove Ink Stains From Leather

Was it one of those unfortunate days when you were wearing your favorite, trendy leather jacket with a pen in its pocket, or an expensive, stylish purse containing a pen? Upon being asked for a pen by your friend, you put your hand in your pocket or purse only to find out that the pen had leaked, and created a complete mess. Or were you holding an ink bottle in your hand while sitting on the comfortable couch only to spill a bit of it a few moments later?

Ink and leather is a combination that you would want to stay away from. Leather is one of the most difficult materials to clean as it can get stained by something as simple as water if left on too long. However, when you stain a leather product which is as expensive as a couch, a jacket, or a purse, you can use one of the methods outlined in this article to get rid of them.  

Before you treat the stain, you must do the following:

1.   Determine the type of leather of the stained object. Is it finished leather or is it naked i.e., unfinished leather? The former contains a layer that protects it from the moist environment. The latter, however, has no coating to protect it from the moisture. It contains aniline which makes the leather absorbent to liquids such as ink. To determine this, follow the following step:

·      Drip a drop of water on a hidden area of the surface of the leather object. With finished leather, the water drop trickles off, but with naked leather, the water soaks in.

2.   If the leather is unfinished, do not proceed any further and take the object to a professional cleaner. It cannot be treated at home.

3.   Read the instructions on the label of the product to see if a certain element should be avoided.After that, You can adopt any one of the following methods for the stain removal.

Method One (For a Leather Purse)

Things that you will require:

·      Leather cleaner
·      Leather conditioner
·      Rubbing / Isopropyl alcohol
·      A rag/soft, white cloth/cotton balls

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Empty your purse.

2.   Start cleaning the purse with leather cleaner. You may use products such as Tannery Vintage Cleaner. To do so, follow the instructions outlined on the label of the cleaner bottle. You may be required to either spray the cleaner on the stained area or apply it with the help of a white cloth/rag.

3.   Let the affected area dry completely.

4.   Apply leather condition on the affected area once dry if you deem it necessary.

5.   If the stain still remains, apply 1 ounce of rubbing alcohol on to a white cloth or a rag and test it on an inconspicuous area to check that alcohol does not damage the product. Wait for 15 – 20 minutes and if the color of the area does not change, proceed further.

6.   Now, gently dab the outside of the stain with the cloth, moving from the outside edges towards the center. The ink will be transferred from the leather to the cloth.

7.   If a certain section of the cloth gets soaked, move on to a new part of the cloth. You may want to use a new rag/cloth if the older one becomes too saturated so that the stain does not spread.

8.   Let the affected area dry.

9.   Lastly, apply a leather conditioner to the purse so that it does not dry out.

Warning: Use a white cloth only. Otherwise, the color of the cloth can transfer to the product when alcohol is used.
For more methods regarding removal of Ink Stains from Leather Purse click here

Method Two (For a Leather Couch)

Things that you will require:

·      Leather shampoo
·      A soft, white cloth
·      An ink stick or gel

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   After you have read the care instructions of the couch, apply leather shampoo to the stained area. In case you do not have a leather shampoo, you may also use hot, soapy water.

2.   Wipe the area clean with the shampoo or soapy water.

3.   Ink stain removal products such as LLT Ink Stick are now available in the market. Apply the gel or stick to the affected area according to the instructions outlined on the label.

For more methods regarding removal of Ink Stains from Leather Couch click here

Method Three (Cleaning the Leather Upholstery of Your Car)

Things that you will require:

·      Hairspray
·      Clean, white cloths/rags

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Firstly, take a bottle of hairspray and spray a bit on to the affected area of the upholstery of your car.

2.   Now, gently wipe off the hairspray with the help of a white cloth.

3.   Use a second cloth that is moistened with water, and apply it to the affected area. This will help you get rid of the stickiness of the hairspray.

4.   Once the hairspray fades away, the stains will be lifted.

Tips and warnings:

1.   Do not rub the leather surface with too much pressure. Otherwise, a layer of leather will come off.

2.   If the stain has been left untreated for too long, it is likely that it has seeped inside the leather to a very large extent. It might not get treated at home, and you will have to take it to the dry cleaner. It is also possible that you might have to re-dye the leather professionally to get rid of the stain.  


Leather Repairs said...

crazyly insightful post. If only it was as easy to implement some of the solutions as it was to read and nod my head at each of your points

For more information kindly visit:- Leather ink Stick

Unknown said...

This Ink stick is extremely effective at removing fresh ink this has been designed to remove ink from coated leather without causing damage to the coating. Always test suitability before use.

priyanka sinha said...

This Ink stick is extremely effective at removing fresh ink this has been designed to remove ink from coated leather without causing damage to the coating. Always test suitability before use.
For more information kindly visit:- Leather Ink Stick

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