It is very important to remove such stains.
Your room or drawing room may be fully decorated, with all the classy furniture
and vases however, a single stain on the carpet can give an awful image to the
room as well as to the guests and friends visiting you. There are various
methods to remove such stains depending on the type of oil that has caused the
stain in the first place. You can one anyone of the following.
Method 1 (Olive oil stain on
you will be required:
ü Pieces of
cloth or pieces of small towels, any will work.
ü A bucket to
pour water in it.
ü Some clean
and fresh water.
ü A vacuum
ü Any spear
tooth brushes.
ü A pack of
corn starch.
ü If you do
not have a corn starch you may use baby powder as a replacement.
ü Dish soap
for grease.
ü Gloves.
ü Brown
ü Newspapers.
The first thing that you have to do is to soak as much oil as you
can with any absorbent materials mentioned in things require. You can get any
according to your suitability and ease.
Keep doing that until the entire area has been covered.
(You can do it the help of towels
and if you do not have fresh towels or pieces of cloth then in that case you may
even use brown papers or used newspapers for this purpose).
3. Make sure that all the oil has been soaked in towels, pieces of
clothes or brown papers.
4. After that, cover the desired area with corn starch. What the corn
starch does is that it soaks up all the oil.
5. When all the oil has been soaked up less effort will be required
further when you scrub it off. Leave it for at least one hour for effective
6. After that you have to switch on the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the
carpet to remove the corn starch.
7. You will notice that some tiny bits of oil stain still remains, to
remove that you have to apply some grease removal dish soap on it.
8. Then you have to scrub it with a toothbrush which will easily
available at your home.
9. After that clean the area with wet clean towels. This will remove
the dish soap. (removal of dish soap is the most time consuming process)
Leave the area to dry it, it self or you can place dry towels on
it. Carpet will then be free of any stain.
Method 2 (Massage oil stain on
the carpet)
you will be required:
ü Rubbing alcohol
ü Small towels for cleaning
ü Brown papers and newspapers.
ü Some clean water.
ü Pieces of cloth.
Wet the area by spilling some drops of water on the area in the
carpet which has some stains on it.
Apply some rubbing alcohol on the piece of cloth or papers and
scrub it on the area which has stain.
Keep scrubbing until the stain has been removed completely.
Method 3 (Car oil on porch carpet)
you will be required:
ü Water.
ü Oil cleaning detergent which can
be bought from any shop.
ü Scrubbing brush
ü towels
Throw some water on the area that has stain on it.
Press the area with some towels to bring the oil up from fibers.
Apply the cleaning solution.
Leave it on there for an hour.
Then scrub the area with the brush until all the tiny dirt is
Clean the area with fresh wet towels
Keep the carpet for drying and it will be clean.
and Warnings:
To dry it quickly you can leave a fan on near the cleaning area
for quick results.
If the stain is very old you may also add vinegar in the cleaning
Wear gloves when cleaning the carpet.
Make sure children are not around when you are cleaning the area.
If you are cleaning it for the first time you may first sample an
Time yourself properly when cleaning the carpet.
Make sure to wear old clothes when cleaning as stain might get on
your clothes as well.
Make sure you research alternative cleaning methods according to
the materials that you can buy and are available to you.
Make sure that you have a helper along with you so that work can
be done quickly and efficiently.